

Mumbai (India), 12/07/2024.- Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani poses for photographs prior to his son Anant's wedding in Mumbai, India, 12 July 2024. Various global celebrities have arrived in Mumbai to attend the grand wedding of Anant Ambani and his bride Radhika Merchant. EFE/EPA/DIVYAKANT SOLANKI

Quién es Mukesh Ambani, uno de los más ricos del mundo y anfitrión de gran boda india

Mukesh Ambani tiene la undécima fortuna del mundo al frente del gigante Reliance Industries y con un patrimonio de 123.700 millones de dólares según Forbes.

Modi afirmó que “la guerra no es una solución, es necesario el dialogo”

Modi agregó que su país está dispuesto a prestar “cualquier ayuda” para acercar el fin de la guerra.

Putin agradeció a Modi los esfuerzos para solucionar la crisis ucraniana

Se trata de la primera visita del primer ministro indio a Rusia desde el inicio de la guerra en Ucrania.

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New Delhi (India), 07/06/2024.- Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, shows a letter by Indian President Droupadi Murmu, inviting him to form the Indian Government while delivering a speech after meeting Indian President at the presidential official residence Rashtrapati Bhavan, in New Delhi, India, 07 June 2024. Narendra Modi will be sworn-in as Indian Prime Minister on 09 June 2024. (Nueva Delhi) EFE/EPA/T. NARAYAN
New Delhi (India), 04/06/2024.- Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks at the party headquarters in New Delhi, India, 04 June 2024. Modi addressed the crowd to claim victory in the 2024 India elections which started on 19 April. The Lok Sabha elections were held for 545 lower house seats, and a party or alliance needs 272 seats to form a government. (Elecciones, Nueva Delhi) EFE/EPA/HARISH TYAGI

India batió récord de temperatura con 52.3 grados centígrados en Nueva Delhi

(Actualiza la EX3076 con restricciones al uso de agua en Nueva Delhi)

Rajkot (India), 25/05/2024.- An aerial view of the scene as Indian fire fighters undertake a rescue operation, after a massive fire broke out at TRP Gaming Zone in Rajkot, in the western state of Gujarat, India, 25 May 2024. Police officials reported that twenty people have died in the massive fire that erupted at a gaming zone in Rajkot, Gujarat. A relief and rescue operation is currently underway, with fire officials striving to contain the blaze and Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has instructed officials to prioritize arrangements for the immediate treatment of the injured. EFE/EPA/CHIRAG CHOTALIYA
Mujeres de India sentadas en un parque hablando (GettyImages)
Estudiantes universitarios compartiendo en un campus. (Foto vía Getty Images)

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