
Estados Unidos

New York (United States), 06/09/2024.- Former US president Donald J. Trump speaks during a press conference in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York, New York, USA, 06 September 2024. Trump discussed a hearing he attended earlier in the morning to appeal the recent 5 million USD jury verdict against Trump that found him liable of sexually abusing writer E. Jean Carroll. (Elecciones, Nueva York) EFE/EPA/JUSTIN LANE

The White Stripes demandó a Donald Trump por usar una canción para su campaña

La agrupación acusó al mandatario republicano por implementar la canción ‘Seven Nation Army’ en un video de campaña.

Inició el segundo juicio contra Google tras ser acusado de monopolio por EE.UU.

En su declaración de apertura, la abogada del Departamento de Justicia Julia Tarver Wood acusó a Google de dominar el sector a través de adquisiciones y de manipular las reglas de las subastas de anuncios.

Congreso de EE.UU. volvió a sus actividades contrarreloj para aprobar presupuestos

Además de la legislación extra sobre las elecciones, demócratas y republicanos están también divididos sobre la extensión del presupuesto a aprobar.

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AME4159. BOGOTÁ (COLOMBIA), 08/09/2024.- Combo de fotografías donde se observa a los candidatos a la presidencia de Estados Unidos el expresidente Donald Trump y a la actual vicepresidenta Kamala Harris. Los candidatos a las elecciones presidenciales del 5 de noviembre, Donald Trump y Kamala Harris, preparan de manera muy distinta el crucial debate que el martes los pondrá uno frente al otro en los estudios de la cadena ABC de Filadelfia y que probablemente será el único de la campaña electoral. EFE/ Ting Shen / POOL
New York (United States), 06/09/2024.- Former US president Donald J. Trump arrives for a press conference in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York, New York, USA, 06 September 2024. Trump discussed a hearing he attended earlier in the morning to appeal the recent 5 million USD jury verdict against Trump that found him liable of sexually abusing writer E. Jean Carroll. (Elecciones, Nueva York) EFE/EPA/JUSTIN LANE
New York (United States), 06/09/2024.- Former US president Donald J. Trump arrives for a press conference in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York, New York, USA, 06 September 2024. Trump discussed a hearing he attended earlier in the morning to appeal the recent 5 million USD jury verdict against Trump that found him liable of sexually abusing writer E. Jean Carroll. (Elecciones, Nueva York) EFE/EPA/JUSTIN LANE
Los Angeles (United States), 05/09/2024.- Hunter Biden (R) arrives to the First Street US Courthouse in Los Angeles, California, USA, 05 September 2024. Hunter Biden is facing nine charges of failing to file four years worth of taxes on time to avoid paying at least 1.4 million USD in taxes, while making millions of dollars from foreign business entities. EFE/EPA/CAROLINE BREHMAN
Harrisburg (United States), 04/09/2024.- Former US President and current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks with conservative broadcaster Sean Hannity (Not Pictured) during a FOX News town hall in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA, 04 September 2024. Both Trump and his democratic opponent, Vice President Harris, are devoting and extensive amount of time and money in the battleground state of Pennsylvania. EFE/EPA/JIM LO SCALZO

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